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Brick and Bone
Tall Building Stories
The Dark Country
Dirty Pictures
The Ritual Circles of Arkham
Machine Communion
Machine Communion 2
Down in the Harbour
Sacred Heart of the Urban Jesus
  The Brotherhood of Steel.jpg -  By promoting Thomas Bernard to "Series Curator" with this series, I'm positing that this book is part of one of those "shared world" anthologies that peaked in the late 80s genre publishing world. Titles like  Thieve's World  or dozens of less-successful series. This series aims to tap the market where science fiction and fantasy overlap, suggesting a world where cybernetics and swords-and-sorcery can coexist. Both this title and the following title,  The Blade is Exhumed  were created from the same constituent elements, simply layered and blended differently. I think the  impression  of armour and steel, while at the same time NOT being a literal depiction of either helps keep the eye interested: "What is this I'm seeing?"  Of course, I have to acknowledge that the first book's title probably owes something to a comic book that Epic put out back in the 80s called " The Sisterhood of Steel ."  
The Blade is Exhumed
Ned Jaworski
Canal Zone
The Yellow Curry Job
New Wings for Old Fears

By promoting Thomas Bernard to "Series Curator" with this series, I'm positing that this book is part of one of those "shared world" anthologies that peaked in the late 80s genre publishing world. Titles like Thieve's World or dozens of less-successful series. This series aims to tap the market where science fiction and fantasy overlap, suggesting a world where cybernetics and swords-and-sorcery can coexist.
Both this title and the following title, The Blade is Exhumed were created from the same constituent elements, simply layered and blended differently. I think the impression of armour and steel, while at the same time NOT being a literal depiction of either helps keep the eye interested: "What is this I'm seeing?"

Of course, I have to acknowledge that the first book's title probably owes something to a comic book that Epic put out back in the 80s called "The Sisterhood of Steel."
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